Tuesday, May 3, 2011

While blogwalking...

I found a lot of fascinating stuff~! ok...maybe not very fascinating, but i guess...interesting?
ok, i found this cool blog, called The Little People Project. It's kinda cute and funny, well, that's what i think...here are some pics that I Love from this blog...

Uncle: Ohh...look at this...a new piece of art...
Auntie: Ahh...yes it is...what is it called *see closer*
Both: A stalk of cigarette...
Auntie: never heard it before...
Uncle: me too..
Auntie: Well, isn't it nice to start a day with a new discovery ^^
hey! we need a cab! ( XD! )
 Boom Boom Boom....


Danny Ngau said...

This post is shorter than mine !!! But anyway, erm nice job updating post.

Butterfinger said...

no it's not!!!!
can't you see the button...."read more".....LAME!

Danny Ngau said...

Yeah, I did press it. But it's still short. Yeah, there were just pictures down there. Well, still that word, nice job updatin' post.

Butterfinger said...

it's not.....i have words too for every image, you din't read.....ok lo, although it is SO NOT shorter than yours, i seen yours even SHORTER, yea, i did update, =D