Monday, May 9, 2011

"Oh Come On!"

          Wanna know more about my day? Well, I'm still gonna tell you. After schooling hours, went back home do all my usual stuff. Then, went to the dentist. Do what? I shall tell you now that today is the day I took my braces out. Yes, today is my last day wearing braces. Yay...yippee...I should be happier, right? but I'm not. You know why? Cause today is also the day I start wearing RETAINERS...yippee....not. Wearing Retainers is worse than wearing Braces. It's so hard to talk! I'm like a speech and language disabled person, I can't pronounce words properly, I can't say stuff right, but I found out that the only thing I can pronounce really really accurately is "Oh, Come On!". Yea, so now, I guess my most used words are "Oh, Come On!". And yes, my friends, from now on, my comments will be short and sweet, "Oh, Come One!"

Oh, Come On!

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