Enough of me babbling about poison, it will harm you, be careful when using it...Let's just move on to how we enjoy that day, XD! Song Recommendation while reading : Jessie J - Abracadabra
Aww...they look so happy, but are they?
Then, he wears the masks, to prevent any little dust going into his eyes and irritate the eyes
(p.s, what is he doing with his hands? Imagining himself finding gold? haha.)
After that, he has to wear another mask, mouth and nose mask, to prevent him from breathing in toxic.
"Now what are we suppose to do???"
Teacher came back with this, the thing, well, that's the machine.
Why is Cheryl shocked?
Seeing all the things they have to wear gave her a shock!
That's just my guess...
She was shocked, and now she goes there and help them?! Apa ini...
Before we went out, I managed to take this caterpillar pic, I always wanted to, but I don't dare to take my phone out. Hmm...I wonder what is teacher doing with this?
Now, time to filter water.
With some help ^-^...
Close the cover and we're good to go!
Let's SPRAY...!!!!
I personally love this pic, they look happy-dappy~
"We shall move to another side!"
(In the background : Rebecca smiled so much! =DD)
Everybody look joyful
that day...
Why not everybody just try it out? XD
One of the things we must not forget is
: Happiness ( & Fun! )
Whoo~~!!! Refill!!!
Everybody tried it! Not bad!
Hmm...it looks like I'm happy~! haha!
Well, wasn't that fun?! You won't know unless you try it, XD! Plus, I'm not a bad student, I'm a good one, trust me, I just bring my phone, so my mom can call me anytime, if she has any emergency and stuff.(By the way, Cheryl persuaded me to take my phone out). I wish we could have taken a group photo, no worries, I'll try to do that next time. Oh ya, I think i can get a group photo, we're having this trip to some flora garden around July, this month, yay! I will enjoy even more! I love my life!
Talking about life, this week, our school had a female speaker to tell us to appreciate life. Duh~ you don't need to tell us that. Practically, she's just trying to tell us to 'Enjoy Life, Do Not Commit Suicide'. Maybe they should put a banner or something, I really don't think is necessary to suddenly call a speaker and tell us about this. Because of that speech, I just walked out, why? Common sense lar, sigh...they should do a survey on 'who wants to die', and just ask the speaker to talk to those students, cause frankly, it's a total waste of time. But here, I wanna tell you all to APPRECIATE LIFE, Don't even think of killing yourself, you have problems? I bet there is somebody that could lend an ear for you and hear you out, and don't kill yourself for just a small matter, even if its big, just let it go, in time, everybody will just forget about your incident, believe me, why waste your precious life when you can enjoy even further than you can imagine, God gave us this life for a purpose, cherish it, love life, you are born for something.
1 comment :
Whoa, Agriculture science aka Science pertanian. Haha, didn't really know about the spray thing too much, thanks for your info. Haha, ''choke''. Wau, quite a lot of pictures, even I'm in there. Just hope that next time you won't do that. Yeah, you're always happy, in case you don't notice. Bringing your phone to school everyday, I hope I can do that too. Man, really, cause I need to call my parents before school or after school. Always wait for the stupid public phone. Yeah, that speech, I don't really like the speech at all. Haha, of all of the things I will ever do, I won't commit suicide, not in my lifetime. Man, what you typed in the end of this paragraph really is great. You're great in writing these stuffs. You can become an amazing author, I'll support you if you wanna become an author. Haha, see you
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