Friday, May 8, 2015

Manga: Boku no le ni Oide

Come to my home, the title says, so I'm expecting some cohabiting to occur.

So, I just finish reading the first chapter, and well, it turned out to be, um...not stunningly impressive, or i should just say, it's just so-so. 
Yea, this may be spoiler or not, not sure right now, but the rich dude, he's kinda kind, and that feels reeeeally awkward happening in shoujo mangas, usually the rich guy suppose to be this bossy selfish dude with no kindness at all! And well, him, he's Mano-san by the way, Mano is caring to the extend too much till i wanna vomit kind of kind, don't know if it'll be the same for you, but hopefully you'll get a better feeling than me after reading this.
How the story fared so far: Hmm, I'm thinking not so great, because i needed to read back everything to pick out some memorable moments, which didn't really had much impact on me after reading it TWICE. So, I would say read this, if you're really really into cute-looking guys and female protagonist that has weirdly huge eyes. It's all about the illustration at the end(and it also depends if you like this kind of art, for me, i don't like it much), not much of a story here.
Why I read it: I saw a nice graphic of this manga
  Wouldn't you also wanna read this after seeing this?!! Well, that's what happened to me. Hope it'll get better response from other people, give me some positive comments about this manga! Enjoy~
This is where i usually read my manga /wahaha

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