Sunday, April 12, 2015

My new job: Paper Shredding

Well, truthfully speaking, I'm not the one doing all the hardwork, it's actually the paper shredder, ya, not many households have a paper shredder, but mine, we do. It might not be one of the essential things you HAVE TO HAVE in a home, but it does come in handy when ya have tons of paper to shred. 

Since I'm most of te time, just rotting at home. My mom assigned me to be responsible for the paper shredding, which I think is sooooo easy to handle. I just fix five pieces max of paper in the machine while it's on auto mode, then it'll detect it, and out comes this zzz zzz sound, you know that paper shredding sound, the next thing you know, your job is done!

Totally easy ain't it, I love my new job, but inside of me I'm saying, "mom, please don't give me anymore duties to do anymore..." =.= haha, I'm just so lazy.

That's me~
(Gotta change soon yo!)

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