Saturday, February 28, 2015

Christmas biscuits and chocolates!

Yes, Christmas is long gone, or just too far away, but this box I haven't touch, and I just wanna have you look at how prettyyyyy it looooks
Oh my one big BIG box of yummy sweeties
from Germany, this one is just one of the few products given, and I love how they put so much thought in packaging and making the boxes. 

Look at all the biscuits and chocolates I'll be eating soon, huhu time to get superrrr fat~

Oh I love the box so much, can't wait to finish a.s.a.p! And throw all my junk inside this box hehehehe

One layer of tasty goodness
Oops may I say there's another? XD 

Just ate one called Lemongebäck, sorry no understand German haha, but it taste really yummy, well, I just love sweet stuff 


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