Saturday, September 17, 2011

Mooncake Festival 2011

          Hi Guys, recently it's Mooncake Festival, and I think it's still ongoing, even though the actual date has been celebrated. There are still people having mooncakes with their family in the house(that's me, haha) or out in a cafe, to me mooncake festival resembles unity, as when is this time of year, my family will gather and buy mooncakes together, a weird old family tradition of mine is we usually go buy last-day mooncakes, last day means the day itself (Sept 12 2011), at Leisure Mall, cause the mooncake sellers are trying to finish selling whatever they have, so they'll put more discounts, haha, that's why we go on the last day. However, since my grandparents came before the last day, we decided to take them there and check it out. Here's some pics I took on that day and the last day:
I saw this guy making mini snow-skin mooncakes
 unlike the traditional one, this is hand-made

 He rolls the paste into a roll, and cuts into pieces for tasting.
 take a toothpick and taste please
 Everybody looks on the guy that's making mini mooncakes...exclude the guy who's taking a plate, he's just waiting for the guy to finish making.
 Look at the,purple,white,blue,brown...
 He's taking a block out of a block...
...and weighs one by one

 Hampers on sale

 Bakkwa, dried meat

 30% only...haha, suck
 Can you believe this, even Doraemon sells mooncakes 

 Cool flying(hanging) Lanterns
 The view from up above, whoo, look they're packing
 100 Plus Cans boat, can you see it...
Snow skins
 Heheh, look at that, Buy 1 Free 1, man!..Tai Thong
 50% Buy 4 Free 1!...Bee's, so which one is cheaper?
  Now let's take at the eating experience:
The day with grandparents
Well, this doesn't look so yummy-fying, I agree, 
and it taste..not so good, Six Happiness Mooncakes...
 Even though the new type mooncake looks nicer, but it taste unORIGINAL,
the old one, sigh, the yolk is such a mess, is as if they don't know how to make mooncakes.
Our 'catch' of the year...+ green tea
 1st tasting batch,(left) T.Thong Snow Skin Vanilla Chestnut, Bee's Green Tea Lotus Paste, T.Thong's Low Sugar White Lotus Single Yolk, the white lotus is good, the paste was great,
Sorry to say Vanilla Chestnut ain't so good, ok, honestly, is terrible, very disgusting, I bought one for Cheryl(she loves snow skins), which is totally the biggest mistake I ever made, Cheryl call this playdough, everybody had a taste, even Danny, and he said it taste like durian, which of course tells you the does not like it, man, thinking about it makes me feel like puking!!!..Oh ya, and the green tea, it was not bad, I liked it, but my mom, she said it was too strong, well, of course when you're eating Green Tea Mooncake with Green Tea, mom! =D 
 Next day, a new batch,(left) 6 Happiness' White Lotus Paste Low Sugar and You Ai(友爱)'s Less Sugar White Lotus Single Yolk, You Ai's was the best MOONCAKE, it has always been in my family, the paste was great, and the yolk was not dry, it was yummy yummy yummy!...then we have the taste like (really I'm not kidding) sh*t mooncake, 6 Happiness was poison!
 Next Next day, we tried Pandan Lotus Mung Bean With Single Yolk by Bee's, this was an unpredictable one, as you can see, we kinda buy white lotus type only, and this was something new, and we were happy to take the risk, cause this, this was good! 
 Look at that, the Yolk is right in the middle, it's so perfect, and the design, that's nice too.
 One the same day, we also tried Mallitol(Sugar Cane, don't know if it's true) White Lotus by Bee's, it's plain and dule-looking, but so much better than that 6 Happiness Disaster!
My dad came back from work, this year was different, he wasn't here to celebrate with us.
He bought this mooncake from Hong Kong, Chinese Ham Mooncake, ehh...sounds delicious to you?...I tried it, I gotta say, I'm not that fond of this type of mooncake, it's ok, not bad, I think those that like this type would enjoy it more than me, haha, OF COURSE!
Conclusion on this years outing:

  • The Best: You Ai(友爱), all-time favorite, we always buy their mooncakes with their tissue box packaging, so we can recycle it to become our tissue box, haha, but this year, they don't really have a lot of discounts so we decided to pass, next year then. XD
  • Taste Good and Reasonably Good Price: Bzzz Bzzz Bee's! Go the Last Day, that's when the Bee's shows it true colors, very good!
  • WARNING: DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME OR AT ANYWHERE, IT'S it's PUKE-able!!!! Ini betul betul have to give to...Six Happiness, I'm telling ya, this is totally bad, please guys, I don't mean to be sarcastic, but please put that Warning sign on your mooncakes, thank you =)

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