Cubes of lovely banana cakes, haha, yummy...
My newspaper..ah, look at that, "Classy Honour", that's when Barcelona won the Champions League against Man. U. Congratz, Barca!
Isn't that lovely and peaceful? ( I mean the cake and the newspaper =D )
Not really, cause not long after, my bro flies down the stairs, snatch my newspaper, pull out every single section of the newspaper till he finds the COMIC section, arghh, making a mess of my perfectly quiet newspaper. Man, my life is lovely~
Hmm, okay, the first week of school holiday, my mom just continuously cook/make italian food. I don't mind that, I LOVE IT! But when mom have a crave on something, she'll keep on doing and doing until that crave of hers dies out. You see, the problem is, if the food is, like for example, Pork noodles, she'll just keep on reboiling the soup base, putting more water, thus, this pork noodles will have everlasting life, that I hate, it'll be a dreadful week, oh wait, sometimes it can last for weeks! So, I have dreadful weekS, sigh...Still remember, Assam Laksa she made, ish, that 2 weeks eating the same thing for lunch and dinner almost killed me, made my tongue bland and my stomach silent, haha, not hungry. Ehh! That time, whatever I put in my mouth will all taste like Assam Laksa. Ehh!!! Even my water taste like Assam Laksa right now just thinking about it! Kkay, stop complaining more compliments. Ahh...I LOVE it when she have that craving for Italiano, she's good at that, not just good, a master doing it.
The best is her Lasagna
then her simple spaghetti
Oh, not forgetting that Pizzaria Day, THAT WAS TE BEST DAY OF THE WEEK! but of course with pizza comes salad, my arch nemesis, how i hate you so much! Oh yea, and her cauliflower cheese, eh...honestly, I don't like it, though I love cheese, but it's too cheesy...
The last day, we had spaghetti again, breakfast was different, dad cooked for us.
It's mushroom, tomatoes, zucchini, and onions...hate onions too, haha!
looks disgusting, right? but it actually taste nice
Scramble eggs!!! does better.
Thank you for reading.
Butterfinger out.
Do you care let me try a bit?XD jkjk
One week of Asam Laksa...So good! I really enjoy it but however I seldom have chance to eat it=( I prefer to more spicier and spicier Asam Laksa!XD
Sure! not jk, serious. If there's assam laksa week again, i'll dabao for you! hey...not only one...two weeks okay!!! It'll kill you, two weeks is TOO MUCH! okaykay, i'll put more and more chilly in your Assam Laksa~! XD
before i forget, tks for dropping by my blog =)
Haha, Wallace/Boon Hee is here. Here comes Cm after commenting on the first Food&Books post. The breakfast for my brain is a book. Haha, daily newspaper, huh, great. I'm not into football, so erm no comment on that. Your bro is kinda great, don't you think. Same as me, just read the comic part, great. Your mom knows how to mkae Italian food, hmmmm, pretty cool. You like Assam Laksa ? I don't like the taste of it. No comment on the food, just erm it looks delicious.
haha, yeah, tks again boon hee for commenting. I like ur breakfast, not bad. Yea, my newspaper, y not? football is so.........enjoyable, espacially when you see messi play, whau, when he plays, i never go tired. Haha, comic part is great, but he snatch my lovely newspaper, how i hate that! My mom is weird, though she's pure chinese, but her chinese cooking is...terrible...italian is her best. I love Assam Laksa, i like the assam taste, really yummy, but eating it everyday will definitely make you sick....
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